¿A ustedes les gusta cantar?

Dear, neglected Creeter Readers!

Oh, how time flies when you’re perpetually exhausted!

Anyway. Update time? Sure, why not.

I’m finally able to keep my car at my apartment. Very exciting, considering my roommate is in Texas and took her vehicle with her. Anyway, my car is a 1989 Honda Accord, and I love him because no one else will. His name is Huey Lewis. The reason for my car’s christening is threefold:

1. My car is from the 80s. Huey Lewis & the News were popular in the 80s.

2. My car, being from the 80s, is very boxy. Huey Lewis & the News did the song “Hip to be Square.”

And (my favorite):
3. My car shakes whenever I come to a stop. Huey Lewis did the music for Back to the Future. Michael J. Fox was in Back to the Future . Michael J. Fox has Parkinson’s. Michael J. Fox shakes.

Isn’t that awful? I’m sorry. But, really, I’m not. Because I’m the one who named my car and I quite like it.

What else is there to say?

I have a Spanish test tomorrow. I’m taking it for summer school so I can graduate in December (the plan to graduate this summer didn’t pan out). I suppose after living most of my life in Southern California it’s about time I take Spanish. I just never really felt like I needed to, because I picked up whatever I wanted to say by listening and asking those around me. So in high school I took Japanese, and in college I took German. I’ve decided I like learning languages. But maybe after my test tomorrow I’ll rethink that statement.

Oh, yeah, and it’s my 22nd birthday tomorrow. Huzzah, I guess.


P.S. I’m watching classic Doctor Who right now. It’s jolly good fun. This is an episode with Patrick Troughton, the second Doctor.
2 book

I really think 2 is one of my favorite Doctors. Especially with Zoe and Jamie as companions. Zoe is cute as a button, and helpful.
Zoe 01

And Jamie is…well, who doesn’t love a good man in a kilt? Plus he’s adorable. See?
jamie 01